Registrars      General
  1. Who is entitled to register a .eu domain name?
  2. When will it be possible to register .eu domain names?
  3. Do I have to pay a fee to become .eu registrar?
  4. Can I already pre-register .eu domains with EURid?
  5. Traffic coming from registrars will be limited ?
  6. Can a registrar sign more than one agreement?
  7. “First come first served” is not a fair policy for countries that have less developed connection possibilities.
  8. Will there be a maximum number of registrars allowed per country?
  9. What contract address should figure on the application for registrars outside of Europe?
  10. What if server outside of Europe?
  11. Can a registrar act as a proxy for a customer ( for example: to submit evidence of rights during sunrise or authorise transfer of a domain name)?
  12. Sunrise applicants are required to send evidence of their prior right to the Validation Agent: can it also be the registrar who takes care of the administrative obligations?
  13. What if applicants apply via several registrars for the same domain name? Do they pay each time the Sunrise fee?
  14. Is a transfer possible during the Sunrise period?
  15. Will there be access to whois data via port 43?
  16. Does EURid check the name servers provided for a domain name registration?
  17. What if the evidence provided for a sunrise application is not complete?
  18. Will there be a reminder (email) a few days before the deadline where the evidence of sunrise applicants has not been received?
  19. EPP compliancy of the register system? Why is EURid not using standard EPP?
  20. Evidence prior rights : is there a hierarchy in trademark offices (OHIM gives more rights than country office)?
  21. Do Trademarks outside of Europe provide prior right?
  22. Is a pending trade mark considered as a valid prior right?
  23. Does the rules also apply to device trademarks or only to letter trademarks?
  24. When will a domain name that has been applied for during the sunrise period but which has not been allocated become available for general registration?
  25. How to avoid the risk applying for an existent domain name?
  26. Generic words are allowed for a domain name?
  27. Are country code allowed as a domain name?
  28. Can Registrars create name server groups, name servers for domain names and contacts before the sunrise starts?
  29. Will sunrise Whois only be available by Web interface?
  30. There is an urgent need to have the rules book for the Sunrise period published. When will it be available?
  31. Is there only one validation agent or one per country?
  32. Fees for Sunrise are high?
  33. In what language must ADR be introduced?
  34. Can an ADR be introduced while another ADR ongoing?
  35. Is the domain name on hold during the ADR?
  36. Will fees to registrar be published? If so, registrants will conclude that he will be better of applying directly to the Registry?
  37. Are registrars allowed to sell under cost price?
  38. Will there be discounts?
  39. Can registrars receive a status report on a regular basis for names applied for during the sunrise period?
  40. Can a domain name be registered for a period longer than 1 year?
  41. Will there be a test system available for the registration systems?
  42. What will be the renewal date in Whois after a transfer?
  43. What methods of payment will be allowed as bank transfers take a lot of time before arrival?
  1. The EC Regulation No 733/2002 of 22 April 2002 on the implementation of the .eu Top Level Domain determines who will be allowed to apply for a .eu domain name.

    The following categories of companies, organisations and individuals will be able to register a .eu domain:
    • undertakings having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Community;
    • organisations established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law;
    • natural persons resident within the European Community.
    The full text of the EC Regulation 733/2002 can be found here.
  2. We will publish a full registration policy for .eu and begin to make important information and documents available in all the official languages of the EU.

    Once .eu registrars are accredited they will be allowed to accept pre-registrations for their customers. At the start of the live registrations, they will introduce their pre-registrations in the automated systems of EURid for processing.

    We have made a tentative timetable setting out the key tasks to be done and estimating when each stage will take after the contract is complete, leading up to commencement of registrations.

  3. No. EURid does not intend to charge a (yearly or quarterly) fee from its accredited registrars. However, before activation as a .eu registrar you will have to wire a so-called pre-payment sum.

    This sum is both a kind of guarantee and an advance for future invoices from EURid for the registration and renewal of .eu domains. Each time a domain is registered or renewed (or a charged transaction is carried out by EURid) this will be deducted from the wired pre-payment sum. If your pre-payment level reaches 0, your account will be blocked and you will no longer be able to execute transactions through EURid's systems.

    Each month you will receive invoices from EURid for your transactions (new registrations, renewals, transfers.). By paying the monthly invoice you will automatically restore the original pre-payment sum and prevent that your account is blocked by lack of deposit. Initially, the minimum pre-payment will be set at € 10,000. This may be reviewed later.
  4. Once .eu registrars are accredited they are allowed to accept pre-registrations for their customers. At the start of the live registrations, they will introduce their pre-registrations in the automated systems of EURid for processing. In case certain domain names were pre-registered several times, the automated systems will determine on a "first come, first served" basis which pre-registration will eventually lead to a definitive registration (the huge load of simultaneous applications will also generate a randomising effect).

    Prior to the start of the registrations under .eu there will also be a "sunrise period". During this period holders of certain rights (e.g. trademark holders) will have the opportunity to apply for the registration of the corresponding .eu domain name.

    Those applications will of course be evaluated and in case of approval the applicant will be informed that he is entitled to register the corresponding .eu domain name through an accredited .eu registrar of his choice.

    So, similar to the model used for the "live" registrations, applications based on priority rights will ultimately need to be introduced through the registrars during the "sunrise period" and cannot be transmitted directly to EURid by the applicant.

    The start of the "sunrise period" will be announced by EURid well in advance in order to allow sufficient time for the introduction of the applications. In order to get informed about the latest details on the "sunrise period" it is recommended to pay a visit to the main site of EURid at regular times.

  5. Yes there will be a predefined set of IP addresses (number to be defined) and a limitation on the number of connection attempts per second (number to be defined) Every Registrar to violate the system will be in breach of the Registrar's agreement. (see par 7.2 : The Registrar may not overload EURid's network or hinder EURid from providing its services (for example by denial of service attacks)). The Registrar must not act in such a way that it jeopardises the stability of the Internet. If the Registrar breaches these obligations, EURid may suspend this agreement immediately and without notice for 14 days. EURid may terminate the agreement if after 14 days the Registrar still breaches these obligations.)

  6. No.

  7. These countries should be helped by the fact that there will be :

    ·         a predefined set of  IP addresses (number to be defined)

    ·         a limitation on the  number of connection attempts per second (number to be defined)

    ·         After each application is accepted into our database, the connection will be broken and that registrar must join with all the other to try for a new connection.

  8. No.

  9. A Registrar must put his actual address.  There are no geographical limitations for registrar and they can be based anywhere. (only domain name applicants must be EU based).

  10. We do not see a problem at this moment though EU data protection laws must be observed (please see Article 9 of the Registrar Agreement).

  11. Yes , provided there is a written agreement between the two parties in that respect.

  12. Yes, for details see SUNRISE rulebook to be published by the Validation Agent before the end of the Summer

  13. Yes , but for those cases where evidence is sent but never validated due to the name being allocated to someone earlier in the queue, part of the fee will be reimburse to the registrar.

  14. No.  Transfers will only be possible after the sunrise period has finished and for names which have been activated (registered) 40 days after a successful validation.

  15. Currently, the whois policy is still under discussion and is much influenced by the privacy aspects. It is difficult to tell at this point what the whois will show.

  16. No.

  17. No feedback is foreseen from the Validation Agent.  Responsibility rests with the applicant to ensure that the requested evidence is submitted in total and in a legible fashion.

  18. During the Sunrise period, the Registrar will receive a weekly report with the following information for each of the domain names in his account:

    Domain name
    Place in the queue
    Name licensee
    Deadline for sending evidence

    The registrar will then be able to take steps to remind those of his clients who deadlines approach.

  19. The application set up for Sunrise period is a standard EPP with a number of additional fields to reflect the special requirements of .eu; as EPP is an “extensible” XML standard , this does not affect its compliance.

  20. Registered National and Community trademarks have equal status to apply during phase 1 of the sunrise period and will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis.

  21. The full rules for sunrise are currently being drafted by experts within our Validation Agent in consultation with the European Commission and other interested parties. They will be published as soon as possible.  However, we have sought clarification from the European Commission who indicated that only community trademarks and those registered within a EU member state qualify for the sunrise period.

  22. The full rules for sunrise are currently being drafted by experts within our Validation Agents and in consultation with the European Commission and other interested parties. They will be published as soon as possible.  However, we have sought clarification from the European Commission who indicated that  a trademark must actually be  registered to qualify for the sunrise period.

  23. The full rules for sunrise are currently being drafted by experts within our Validation Agents and in consultation with the European Commission and other interested parties. They will be published as soon as possible. We await clarification form the European Commission on this matter.

  24. Names that are freed up following to rejected sunrise applications will be made available at a date which will be determined later on.  It will be announced in advance.

  25. The existence of a domain name (or the number of applicants for a name during sunrise) can be checked using the whois facility (a system involving the use of “captcha” will be put in place to discourage automation and data mining).

  26. Yes, every name that is not reserved and acceptable from a syntaxes’ point of view, is possible.

  27. No. The European Commission’s regulation 874/2004 (public policy rules for .eu) forbids the registration of 2-letter country codes under .eu. under any circumstance.

  28. Yes for name server groups and contacts.

  29. The “full version” will only be available via Web interface, a limited amount of data will be available via port 43 See also questions 14 and 25.

  30. EURID agrees and we hope to make it available before the end of the summer.

  31. There is only one validation agent, who has a representative office in each of the EU Member states and has accepted to do validation for all sunrise applications.

  32. Yes, but there is a lot of paperwork to do and validation has to be done in the 20 European languages
    The sunrise fee are cost related and reflect the development of systems and the cost of processing and validating applications from 25 member states and in 20 languages.

  33. In the language the registrant has selected for his registrant terms and conditions.

  34. Yes.

  35. Yes.

  36. Policy rules do not allow the registry to accept registrations directly from the domain name applicants. Wherever EURID publishes fees it is careful to stress the fact that the published fees are those charged to the registrars whose fees to their clients will reflect the levels of service they provide.

  37. Local legal restrictions in that respect should  be checked.

  38. No, but as EURID is  a non-profit company and required to set cost-related fees, once the start up costs are recovered , a reduction of the fees is possible in the future.

  39. During the Sunrise period, the Registrar will receive a weekly report with the following information for each of the domain names in his account:
    • Domain name
    • Place in the queue
    • Name licensee
    • Deadline for sending evidence
    • Status

  40. No , see exhibit 1 of the registrar’s agreement :
    The fee for the registration of a Domain Name is 10 EUR (excl. VAT) at the time of the signature of this agreement between EURid and the Registrar.
    This fee includes the licence to use the Domain Name for a 1 year period after the registration.

  41. Yes, we will make it available as soon as possible.

  42. Only the initial date of registration is shown.

  43. Only bank transfers will be accepted but the system is full automatic and there will be no delay in updating the registrars’ account once the payment arrives.